
The characteristics of the grid structure

更新時(shí)間:2020-12-07 11:01:06?點(diǎn)擊:30642 ? Grid Knowledge

The grid structure is widely used in large places such as dry coal sheds, stations, airports, sports centers, etc., and is used by more and more industries. So how can the grid structure have such a big charm? The editor will introduce you from the characteristics of the grid structure.

a. According to the initial stress analysis and the modeling situation, a large span can be obtained, with fewer or even no columns in the middle, which can save space and design an ideal visual effect;
b. All components are standardized and can be mass-produced in the factory, with relatively low component cost and quality
Easy guarantee
c. Because of the standardization of components, the installation and production period is short and the construction speed is fast;
d. It can be separated freely when in use, and a certain load can also be suspended (on the node);
e. The project cost is relatively low, the amount of light steel is small, and the weight per square meter is about the number of meters in the span under standard conditions.
The above advantages of the integrated grid structure are not difficult to find. The characteristics of the grid structure are the best choice for large-span building structures.